Monday 29 October 2012

The Bon Accord

What can I say? One of those bars that you have to try. If you like your drink its an absolute must. Has pritty much everything you would want from an ole school bozzer.
The usual suspects on draught but you dnt step in here for a pint of lager. You come here to try one of their ales.
I am sat drinking Tempest £3.30 a pint has a hopey taste but its not over powering.
Fine gantry in here. If whisky is your thing you won't be disappointed. Bar staff are friendly, I actually was in the mood for a dark ale when I walked in.  I didn't recognise any of the taps so i asked what they would recommend. All the dark alles were drank over the weekend but he gave me a healthy sample of two ales which were close to what i wanted. One of which was almost 7% but was way to hoppy for me so i settled on the tempest.
No need to sup up, just sit and enjoy. I have only one problem with this bar. There is always an odd smell, like they have just cooked cauliflower, really weird.
After half a pint you donot notice. Anyway a must visit boozer

oneills sauchiehall st

Still surviving. Most O'Neill chain pubs that I used to frequent sold or changed hands. Not this one they revamped it. Large bar front and back. The back bar opens at night and I think they still have a late license.
£2.85 a pint of Tennent's can't argue with that, as its £3.30 in their sister pub in the merchant city. Good atmosphere no hassell.
No need to sup up quick can fill with students getting messy before heading to the garage. We have all done that though.
Good boozer

Monday 3 September 2012


They bill it as the oldest bar in Glasgow. I think The Scotia may give them a run for their money.
Located on Argyle Street, or doon the lane at Buchanan Street. Anyway, everyone in Glasgow knows Sloans. The predictive text on my phone, however, does not.
Proper horseshoe bar; no local lagers on draught. Heineken, Fosters. Sh*t, I tell a lie. They now have St Mungo on draught. Anyway, I am sat out in the lane drinking a pint of Kellburn Old Smiddy. Red ale goes down well. Being the 3rd of September, we are having our summer. So it's nice to sit and chill.
Gantry is decent, but nothing special - the prices, on the other hand, are.  £3.60 for a local ale and almost £4 for a foreign lager.
Good bar to chill and the food's not bad either. It works for locals and tourists alike.
If you ain't tried it, you should...
I am in no hurry to sup up, but been here, done that, several times.

NYC "New York State of Mind"

This bar just opened three days ago. It has one of my all time favourite beers on draught: Samuel Adams Boston lager.  It is located on Hope Street, right across from The Pot Still.
Just open, so it's me and staff. Feels okay.  Motown music set the vibe, large windows and booths everywhere. A local New Yorker wouldn't recognise this as a bar or club, but it works for Glasgow.
They also have Brooklyn Lager, Blue Moon, Guinness, Moretti and Strongbow on draught.
Gantry is sparse but caters for everyone (if you aren't a specialist).
So far so good. I have one major concern though. The Sam Adams I am drinking is clean and crisp - but they do not serve it in pints???
As I asked for one, the barman said, "We don't do pints, only scooners. It's an American measure."
Well, firstly a scooner is an old Imperial measure from this country, not the States. Secondly, Yanks pour their draught in ounces, not pints.  Thirdly, £3.30 for a 2/3rds of a pint will not go down well in Glasgow.
I have to give them credit for at least trying it. I do not see it lasting long.
Anywhoo, as I only had 2/3rds of a pint, I am off to get another one.
I'll need to come back when they are established and see if it's a case of supping up or not.

Monday 27 August 2012

Cathedral Hotel & Bar

Located on Cathedral Street, across from the Necropolis, top of the High Street.
Quaint wee bar with £3.20 a pint of Tennents, usual suspects on draught - Stella and Guinness. This bar doesn't have the room for a great gantry, but what it lacks in drink is made up for in chilled atmosphere.
I think its a favourite with tourists, seeing as its so close to the Cathedral. There is a varied menu to cater to anyone visiting the area; although, they do need to clean their tap. The pint I have is a little skunky.  (It's very cold though.)
Anywhoo, supping up.  Not a place I'll frequent often, but for a change, it is okay.

Monday 23 July 2012

Whistling Kirk

My supposed local: a proper Celtic shop. I do not normally frequent this pub, yet I felt like a pint of Guinness.
Now at £ 3.55, a pint you can't complain. It may be one of the finer pints of Guinness available in Glasgow. I have never seen this pub full. It's located just off the Saltmarket. If you are not from here, or your football persuasion is not just blue, then it's well worth the visit.
Anywhoo, the only lager they have is Carling, an English lager which, through sheer marketing budget, has made its way to the lower colons of many unsuspecting Scotsmen.
But I don't step in here for the lager, I came for the Guinness, which may be one of the best in this fair city.  (I extend the challenge to prove me wrong. In fact, I welcome it.)
No bullsh*t in this bar, as we are all here to drink after all, before the PC mo-fos take that from us too.
Supping up? Not a chance - this Guinness is too good.

The Tollbooth

Well, what can I say?  It's an experience and you need to try it at least once. Always heavin', it's a great pint at £2.95.  It's the busiest pub I've been in all day.  I'm feeling self-consious as I am sat at a table and yet I am writing this.
Gantry is proper Glasgow. Music is sh*t, but the charactes in here beat any script from Hollywood.
Anyway, I am drawing attention to myself by writing ;) this instead of drinking.
Supping up? Hell yes!!

Black Bull

On the high street. I'm always been a bit apprehensive stepping in, although the great Scottish weather helps greatly in these matters, especially when your right foot is soaking.
Anyway, not a bad wee boozer with £2.40 a pint of Tennents - you really can't complain with that. One of the coldest pints of lager in the town by a country mile. No harm, no foul.
The locals were proper; totally ignored me, which is a good thing if you just step in out of the rain.
Bog standard gantry; you come here just to drink.
I like it, but not much else to report.
Supping up if you want. Although I would not linger.

Strath Duie

Right across from the Black Bull. £2.75 a pint of Tennents. Bar is unimpressive, yet I like it.
Gantry once again unimpressive (and from now on I am going to call it a Glasgow gantry). It achieves.

Bar 91

Outstanding bar!! Smack dab in the middle of the Merchant City.
Always friendly, music is great, and I have ate from time to time in here and never been disappointed.
I frequent this place for its selection of WEST Brewery beers. I am sat drinking a pint of St Mungo. Named after the patron saint of Glasgow, it's made about one mile from here on Glasgow Green. Brewed in accordance with the German purity laws, it really does the trick.
I've never had a bad night or pint in here. My missus loves it as it is family (woman) friendly.
Gantry isn't great, but there's a good selection of beers on tap and in the bottle.
The stones are on at £3.90 a pint of St Mungo, but you are paying for the atmosphere. Well worth it in my opinion (may be a little pretentious) but if you just want to chill and forget your worries: f*ck it! ;)
Only need to supp up here if you have responsibilities, or you run out of money.
Tell me baby what's my name. Oohhohh

Blane Valley

Interesting bar in the heart of the Merchant City. £3.30 a pint of Tennents, feels a bit steep for the look of the place. Doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the Merchant. It isn't modern in the slightest, yet it has a homely feel to it. On this very rainy day, it's nice and warm.
They have Budweiser on tap, which is unusual. Then the usual suspects: Guinness, Stella and John Smiths. The only cider on tap is Blackthorne. Gantry is bog standard; nothing special at all.
There are big windows, so you can see the town's comings and goings. Music is poor - not to my tastes at all.  It is mostly clubbing music, which at one in the afternoon, when you stop off for a quick jar, is quite irritating.
Anywhoo, this pint is nice - just watching the world go by.

Monday 2 July 2012

Molly Malones

Otherwise known as Molly's. A good boozer, plenty on draught - a mix of stouts, lagers, the occasional ale. Their gantry is large but it does not have a connoisseur's touch. Completely generic in all that it does, but if you want to chill and do not mind paying £3.35 for a pint of Tennents, then this is the place to go.
Just another chain pub that meets everyone's needs.
Can't complain, and no need to supp up soon.

Trader Joes

My favourite day for drinking is when it's raining. My logic is simple. To avoid getting soaked, you step into the first bar you come across, even if your instinct is to keep on walking. It works well for me, but on occasion, you come across a place you would have rather kept on walking. That's Trader Joes in a nutshell.
Non-existent gantry, 3 lagers on tap - all foreign. Johns Smiths and Guinness. I got a pint of Fosters (I know, I know) and it was £2.80 for a pint, and tastes like a stale strawberry milkshake from McDonalds.
Large bar area but a very small bar. Crazy-ass English rap on. This would be the place to come when you were 18 and had no idea how to drink. i.e. they have a pool table and young girls that do not appear to be too bright.
Anywhoo, supping up double time, as there is an older woman in here giving me the evil eye.

The Pot Still

Only my second time in here. Cosy wee bar. £3.30 a pint of Tennents, limited draught lager and a couple of cask ales.
They may have the largest selection of whiskies anywhere in Glasgow. Although more study is required ;-)
It has a nice old world feel to it, so I can see why the tourists like it so much. It's certainly an "ole school boozer".
Music is on but its unobtrusive and doesn't distract from the patter or just reading your paper.
I do not mind it at all. Time to supp up.

Monday 28 May 2012

Times Square

Proper working man's bar. Been here for years, £3 a pint of Tennents and I am surprised to be sitting outside at the moment.
Exactly what you would expect from a pub in Glasgow, cheap cheerful, pint is consistent and reliable. The clientele are colourful and a good laugh - if you mind yourself.
All in all, not to my normal taste, but does the job correctly.
Located at St Enoch Subway at the bottom of Buchanan St. Try it! It is what it is, no pretence or hard sell.

The Lab

I was first in here with my sister, years ago. I find it a little pretentious, as it really isn't all that. However, they have Tennents on draught and a couple of WEST German beers, brewed in Glasgow. Guinness and Budvar are on draught.  The gantry is not brilliant, but they do "test tube shots" that the ladies seem to enjoy. Hence, their name. Five test tubes filled with wow-wee sauce. Not my cup o' tea, but it brings folk in.
I do not know how people find this place, as it's down a lane off the main shopping street (Buchanan St), but it's always busy.
Staff are friendly and what food I've had here has been good. £3.75 a pint of Tennents though, very steep, but on a nice day like this, its small outside courtyard works.
Watch your feet if you need to go for a pee, as it's a walk with some scary stairs.
Time to supp up and move.

Monday 21 May 2012


One of Glasgow's few Brazilian bars. On the Tron, sat outside in the sun, Iove this place as it always gets the sun.
If you are a rum fan, this is the place to come. Not much on draught as it's all foreign, surprisingly for a Brazilian themed bar, there is no imported draught lager.
Staff are great and there is football on all the time.  If you are lucky to stumble in when a South American team is playing, you are in for a treat.
Overall, mojitos are the order of the day, well worth visiting if Brazil is playing.
Doesn't really ring my bell though, but you pay for what you get, I suppose.

Maggie May

Or Maggie May's if you prefer. On the Tron, I do like this bar but it has something unsettling to it. Can't quite put my finger on it.
Big bar, scran is excellent and service is good. No Scottish beer or lager on draught. Sat having another Amstel again, at £3.60 a pint don't understand why it so much when it's not that good. I've tried it in Amsterdam, 100 yards from the brewery, and that was a good pint (well, glass, as they don't do pints in the Netherlands).
Anyway, the music is always brilliant. You know what it is, this place smells. That's what's unsettling.

The Libertine

Well, got to be one of the best locations in Glasgow for a bar....yet, it just does not achieve.
In the 14 years that I have been drinking legally in this city, it has changed name and appearance several times. My mates and I now come to call it 'the bar with no name' as we all refer to it by its former names.
Large, old fashioned bar - must be oak or something, really looks the part. Strange draught selection as it's all foreign: Amstel, Fosters and the like. But it does not achieve.
I got myself a pint of Amstel as the Sam Smiths was sold out. Its an okay pint, clean and crisp, but after the black stuff, it tastes fruity.
I do not subscribe to the whole Japanese fungshway thing, (can't spell in English, what do you expect for Japanese?) but this place should be heavin' and it never is.  Shame really, for so much potential, it just does not achieve.
In the time it has taken me to write this, six folk have walked in and straight out again, so it's just me in the whole bar.
I wonder what its next name will be?

Babbity Bowster

Great wee bar up behind the Old Cheese Market off of Walls St.  Small inside, but they have an excellent gantry of whisky and they do an excellent pint of the black stuff at £3.60 a pint.  It's a bit heavy but it is excellent.
They used to have live Scottish and Irish music in here. The players would sit in the corner and play whatever the hell they wanted, whilst getting quietly pissed, lol.
There is a large outside smoking area/beer garden, which is excellent in the summer to chill.  I am sat outside at the moment; can't believe it's May - still freezing, although I need to squint because it's that bright.
All round good bar, the only down side is that it always smells of fish. Apparently, the upstairs restaurant is good for shellfish and stuff.
That aside, it achieves as an old school bar and a modern one, ticks all the boxes. Also, the landlord is a proper character who always says hello.


In the merchant city.  Not a bad wee bar, got a few good draughts, the normal set up for Glasgow. It has Red Stripe, Carling and Budvar, which you don't see everywhere.
I am sat drinking a pint of Tennents.  It's £3.40 a pint, which is about the norm for this neck of the woods. It's a lovely day today and I was tempted to sit outside. The problem is that before 15:00 the buildings block the sun, so there's no real point.
Music is weird in here.  They have some mad, trippy hypnotic techno stuff on that makes you feel like you want to take a nap.
On that note, best supp up before I fall asleep.
Oh! One final thought: it's got an old school paper rack that's good when you are done with yours.

Monday 14 May 2012


What can I say? "What was I thinking". This is, hands down, the weirdest bar ever. 
It's actually a bar/restaurant /beatnik music emporium. 
The bar is okay for draught lager; however, I only come in here for a pint of Williams.  Its a Glasgow brewed blonde lager that's very nice. At £2.80, you really can't complain.  If you find them at the end of the barrel, you will get it for £1.80 easily.  This is one of those bars that has to be tried if you subscribe to the whole 'expand your horizons' nonsense.
Anyway, the Williams is great and there is no threat here.
In summation, do not ask for a burger as its a vegan joint. Just keep your head down, drink the Williams, leave each to their own......
Four girls old enough to know better just walked in with their hair dyed primary colours.
Shit, I must sound like an old. ...I am loving it.


This is the kind of bar that the Scottish tourism department should put into in-flight magazines.It has an excellent whisky gantry and cask ales galore.  The only bad point is that it does not have any Scottish lager on draught. If you like beer, this is one of those little gems that requires frequent patronage.
Sat drinking a pint of Kellburn Gold. £3.30 a pint, with a pleasant, unoffensive taste. 3.8% abv but  niccceeee. Clean.
Always lively. Bar staff are friendly and if you don't know your ale from your cola, you can try what looks good.  No harm, no foul; if you don't like it, move on.
They have a Monday night quiz which brings an older crowd in, as the questions quite frankly are fekin impossible. But the cash price is like £200 notes...not a bad days work, if you can stay sober enough for it.
To the Yanks reading this pish, I will be taking you lot here when you feel ready to leave liberty's nipple and experience the world. ;-)

Committee Room No9

Committee Room No9, on John Street, just around from the City Chambers.
Interesting bar, a bit hit or miss really. Quite large booths around the wall and an outside area on the street, which is great it the summer. It has an okay lager selection: Stella, Tennents, Guinness and a couple of Italian lagers. 
Gantry is bog standard...nothing special there, but they do have a couple of Alloa ales on draught though. So I am sat here drinking a pint of Bitter and Twisted.  I do prefer my cask ales carbonated; not exactly the way they were intended, but I just prefer it.
Anyway, it's hard to find this beer on draught. There are only a few places I am aware of that do it. This pub obviously does not get much call for it, as it's a little skunky, but at £3.50 a pint, it's 70p cheaper than the next place. Although, the next place is a much better pint.
As a I was saying, a hit and miss bar, today is a miss. Four Phil Collins tunes in a row and now Rihanna or some shit.
Time to supp up and move.


Great bar converted from the old high court, hence the name.  Right smack dab in the middle of the Merchant City.  Wayyyyy overpriced, but once again, it has Bitter and Twisted on draught. An outstanding pint.Huge premises on two floors, with two bars. Food is excellent and if you are into cocktails, like most of the woman in my life, then this is the place to come.
Very pretentious...not the kind of place I would frequent on a Friday or Saturday night, but for a Monday quiet one, it's great.
Music is very eclectic...everything from the Rat Pack to funkadelic.
Shit, the twisted part or the bitter is kicking in. Need to go.

Rab Ha's

What can I say?  Great wee bar. Has a roaring fire outstanding gantry and its always a clean, crisp pint.
I come in here on proper Glasgow days.  In other words, it's pissing it down.  £3.30 for a pint of Tennents.  They have St Mungo, San Miguel, Best, Blue Moon and even have juice "Coors Light" on draught. I mean no offence by that, its just that light beer is a no-no. It should all have been scooped up and shot into the sun as a warning to a thousand generation of brewers: "men who drink do not care about calories or the size of their gut".
Anywhoo, this is a great bar.  More to the point, it's actually a hotel, but you would never know it.
Atmosphere is chilled, banter is tongue-in-cheek. Love it, but it's time to move, as I am now dry. ;)

Monday 30 April 2012


Right! This joint up the West End was in no small part to my missus, who assured me that Stravaigin on Gibson Street had Samuel Adams Boston lager on draft. Well, it does not!!

To any Yanks reading this pish, in your money, a 355ml bottle (no idea what that is in ounces) was 5 dollars.
My brother-in-law Kevin has no doubt fell aff his chair. Anyway, it's a good beer.
This bar looks good but just does not achieve. There is a candle where the fire should be.
The only British drink on draft is Best, which is not my cup o tea.
Anyway, going strong.
If anyone gives a crap, this is the first bar I've been to that gives you their WiFi number on their receipt.
I have no idea what the point of this blog is, other than it takes me five minutes to read my paper of choice cover to cover.

The Wise Monkey

The Wise Monkey.
What can I say, great name for a pub. It's been my experience that there is only one wise monkey, but let's not be adult and responsible yet.
First impressions: old man's bar converted to meet student needs. Smells like fish and chips. Got Led Zepplin on.
Bar's big, gantry filled with cheap vodka and apple sours and aftershock.
I am sat drinking a pint of Hobgoblin, which may be my favourite dark beer of all time. Hard to find it on draft outside of England.  Anyway, it was £3.80, well worth it.
'Stairway to Heaven' is on. Loving it!
P.S. Writing this dribble on a phone with predictive text is more difficult than you would think after four pints, and that fact I can't spell doesn't help hhhaAaa

The Belle

Well, I stepped out the Oran Mhor stepped right and right again. Best not to think too much about where your next beer's coming from, Glasgow always provides.
Anywhoo, ended up in a bar called 'The Belle' on Great Western Rd. I found this place by accident last year as it was pudding it down. I thought how bad can it be, so I stepped in for a pint. It was my first ever pint of Brooklyn lager. I've been back since, but they discontinued it for a while. Anyway, they have it back again, £4.40 an f'nn pint but they have an open fire roaring and crazy ass music on. Which can only be described as a cross between funk and old school jazz.  It makes for a bizarre atmosphere.

This bar seems to be frequented by students whose parents have too much money. The gantry is small; they seem to prefer rum over whisky. Cocktails and wine is the order of the day here, although their draft is short on selection, it's random in what is has to offer.
Balls to it. I like this bar just for the open roaring fire that's popping away.

Oran Mhor

Trying something different today. Had my usual pint of Brooklyn in Max's Bar on Queen Street, then hopped on the Clockwork Orange up to Hillead in the West End.  Thought I would try the Oran Mhor for a jar.
Old converted church, it has a good selection of foreign beers on draft and a couple of guest ales.  I decided on trying a pint of Kellburn Gold Ale. £3.45 a pint, not too bad for ale and it's going down a treat. They have a fine gantry of whiskies but dissapointingly, they do not have Tennents lager. Oh well.
The ale is nice and tepid and I must be the youngest in here by about 20 years.
Time to supp up and move.

Monday 23 April 2012


I thought I would get this underway.  I have started this blog for a little sanity, to look back on, in the not too distant future.  This is for me and my mistress; Glasgow in all her rugged, mischievous splendour ;-)