Monday 21 May 2012


In the merchant city.  Not a bad wee bar, got a few good draughts, the normal set up for Glasgow. It has Red Stripe, Carling and Budvar, which you don't see everywhere.
I am sat drinking a pint of Tennents.  It's £3.40 a pint, which is about the norm for this neck of the woods. It's a lovely day today and I was tempted to sit outside. The problem is that before 15:00 the buildings block the sun, so there's no real point.
Music is weird in here.  They have some mad, trippy hypnotic techno stuff on that makes you feel like you want to take a nap.
On that note, best supp up before I fall asleep.
Oh! One final thought: it's got an old school paper rack that's good when you are done with yours.

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