Monday 3 September 2012


They bill it as the oldest bar in Glasgow. I think The Scotia may give them a run for their money.
Located on Argyle Street, or doon the lane at Buchanan Street. Anyway, everyone in Glasgow knows Sloans. The predictive text on my phone, however, does not.
Proper horseshoe bar; no local lagers on draught. Heineken, Fosters. Sh*t, I tell a lie. They now have St Mungo on draught. Anyway, I am sat out in the lane drinking a pint of Kellburn Old Smiddy. Red ale goes down well. Being the 3rd of September, we are having our summer. So it's nice to sit and chill.
Gantry is decent, but nothing special - the prices, on the other hand, are.  £3.60 for a local ale and almost £4 for a foreign lager.
Good bar to chill and the food's not bad either. It works for locals and tourists alike.
If you ain't tried it, you should...
I am in no hurry to sup up, but been here, done that, several times.

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