Monday 14 May 2012

Committee Room No9

Committee Room No9, on John Street, just around from the City Chambers.
Interesting bar, a bit hit or miss really. Quite large booths around the wall and an outside area on the street, which is great it the summer. It has an okay lager selection: Stella, Tennents, Guinness and a couple of Italian lagers. 
Gantry is bog standard...nothing special there, but they do have a couple of Alloa ales on draught though. So I am sat here drinking a pint of Bitter and Twisted.  I do prefer my cask ales carbonated; not exactly the way they were intended, but I just prefer it.
Anyway, it's hard to find this beer on draught. There are only a few places I am aware of that do it. This pub obviously does not get much call for it, as it's a little skunky, but at £3.50 a pint, it's 70p cheaper than the next place. Although, the next place is a much better pint.
As a I was saying, a hit and miss bar, today is a miss. Four Phil Collins tunes in a row and now Rihanna or some shit.
Time to supp up and move.

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