Monday 14 May 2012


This is the kind of bar that the Scottish tourism department should put into in-flight magazines.It has an excellent whisky gantry and cask ales galore.  The only bad point is that it does not have any Scottish lager on draught. If you like beer, this is one of those little gems that requires frequent patronage.
Sat drinking a pint of Kellburn Gold. £3.30 a pint, with a pleasant, unoffensive taste. 3.8% abv but  niccceeee. Clean.
Always lively. Bar staff are friendly and if you don't know your ale from your cola, you can try what looks good.  No harm, no foul; if you don't like it, move on.
They have a Monday night quiz which brings an older crowd in, as the questions quite frankly are fekin impossible. But the cash price is like £200 notes...not a bad days work, if you can stay sober enough for it.
To the Yanks reading this pish, I will be taking you lot here when you feel ready to leave liberty's nipple and experience the world. ;-)

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