Monday 2 July 2012

Trader Joes

My favourite day for drinking is when it's raining. My logic is simple. To avoid getting soaked, you step into the first bar you come across, even if your instinct is to keep on walking. It works well for me, but on occasion, you come across a place you would have rather kept on walking. That's Trader Joes in a nutshell.
Non-existent gantry, 3 lagers on tap - all foreign. Johns Smiths and Guinness. I got a pint of Fosters (I know, I know) and it was £2.80 for a pint, and tastes like a stale strawberry milkshake from McDonalds.
Large bar area but a very small bar. Crazy-ass English rap on. This would be the place to come when you were 18 and had no idea how to drink. i.e. they have a pool table and young girls that do not appear to be too bright.
Anywhoo, supping up double time, as there is an older woman in here giving me the evil eye.

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