Monday 17 June 2013

Cafe source

It should not really be on this post as its more restaurant than bar. However it's one of those little gems that gets over looked. 
Located in the St. Andrews on the square building, gantry is top notch as they expect people to eat not drink. Usual suspects on tap Guiness, Tennents but it also  has Peronni and st mungo. 
It's a restaurant really,  but it has a wee side garden for drinking in the sun.  Iam sat there just now drinking a pint of Tennents £ 3.60 not to bad for a posh restaurant. Hard place to critique, you need to try it for yourself. I like it!
Supping up? Depends on your bank balance and your company, Iam on my own so no. Iam chillin. 
Try it you might be supprised.


What can I say? One of those pubs you need to try. Located on the high street. Favoured hang out for Celtic fans and mods. Weird tap selection Fosters, HIeneken Kronenbourg, Guiness and one or two others. Gantry is ok not in here for the spirits though.
It's got a pool table and the music is a mix off everything really. £3.80 a pint of Kronenbourg not to bad really. Located under the railway arches, this gives it a dark weird atmospher.  If there were ever a seasonal pub this would be it. To hot and stale I the summer, much better in the winter.
Supping up? No real need, yet for some reason I can't put my finger on; Yes! 
Staff are friendly, punters sound. Just I don't want to linger. Strange, ill figure out why some day.

Monday 10 June 2013

13th Note

On king st across from the car park. Hang out for musicians not a bad boozer. £3.20 a pint of Tennents, strange tap selection. Strapoprvin, Estrea Guinness Tennents andCaledonian. Gantry is sparse do not recognise most of it. 

Weird mix of students and tattooed folk, staff are friendly and it's quite chilled out. No hassle and no need for supping up quick. Always a good night if you are here to watch a gig. Not a place I would frequent often but nice for a change.